Our updated family :)

Our updated family :)
Pic by Jordan K Photography

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I think it's time...

So, we have been 'old school' and have dealt with dial-up since we've been married (about 8 years!)...

Now...I honestly don't care about 'new' and 'better' and 'up-to-date' things in general... but, I do have to admit that I'm getting frustrated with dial-up. 

'Regular' things are fine with dial-up (email, facebook, recipes, information, etc.) BUT, posting pictures, which we all know I LOVE to do, is extremely annoying with dial-up and doesn't always work.  For example, it took me 2 hours for my profile pic to load for this blog!  Seriously.  

Of course, there are other reasons why dial-up is not great... I can't watch any videos or post any videos (this doesn't bother me that much, except that there have been MANY educational videos/lessons for free out there that I would love to have the kids watch).  Also, there is the issue of people not being able to get ahold of us via phone... now, honestly, this doesn't bother ME that much.... but I know it bothers other people :)  

Sooooo.... I think we may bite the bullet and spend the extra $$ a month to upgrade... now to find a provider for our area... wish me luck!  Hopefully by the 1st of September we'll be in high-speed fashion :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Curriculum choices this year:

Here's the boring part... but, sometimes people are curious... so here are the curriculum choices for this school year:

Kendyl: 2nd grade

Bible: Community Bible Study material (this year we're studying Genesis) communitybiblestudy.org

Math:  Math-U-See: Beta (2nd grade) http://www.mathusee.com/
English/Language Arts/Reading/Spelling: AlphaOmega: LIFEPAC

Handwriting: handwriting without tears http://www.hwtears.com/hwt
Science: A Closer Look (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill)

History: Mystery of History BrightIdeasPress.com

Social Studies: Work Together (Houghton Mifflin) and unit studies throughout the year

Music: piano lessons with Aminta Young

Physical Education: Gym program at NCCS

Art: we are using many different Art technique books and some classes at the ArtsPlace in Fremont

Other: she'll be keeping a journal at least 3x/week, doing a couple 'research' style papers on topics of interest, and other random things that pop-up during the year :)

Aden: Kindergarten

Phonics/Reading: Hooked on Phonics and Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy lessons... we will also be using various word family activities, games, etc....as well as reviewing the zoo phonics he learned in preschool and stemming off of that:)

Math: Math-U-See Primer (K level)

Writing: Handwriting without tears, writing activities (stories, journals, etc.)

History: Mystery of History will be a group 'lesson' 3x/week :)

Science: Aden will join in on Kendyl's reading & experiments, and also do some observing/study of his own of animals, plants, and other wonderous things God has created!

Social Studies: Practicing using maps, learning about difficult cultures and people through books & videos.

Physical Ed.: Gym day and Soccer this fall

Music: kids' music cd's & the like :)

Art: same as Kendyl

At peace... or just being lazy?

So... here we are again, only 2 short weeks until we officially start 'school' for 2011-2012. 

Am I really THIS at peace with it all, that I'm not running around like crazy or freaking out that I don't have everything planned out for September yet?!  Could I really be 'getting the hang' of this homeschool thing? 

Or could it be that I'm just too lazy?  ....

Nope, it's true... I really AM at peace this year!! 

This will be our 3rd year homeschooling.  Kendyl will be in 2nd grade and Aden will be in Kindergarten.  :*)  They are growing way too quickly, as all kids do. 

Thinking about Aden being in Kindergarten takes me back to our first year of homeschooling, when Kendyl was in Kindergarten.  WOW... talk about stressed out and crazy!  David and I had WAY too many arguments that first year...WAY too much unnecessary stress, and WAY too much freaking out on my part!  It was Kindergarten for goodness sake!  But, we made it through that year. 

Even with all that stress, both David and I still thought homeschooling would be best for us again for Kendyl's 1st grade year.  And it was.  It was MUCH LESS stressful than Kindergarten and we felt even better at the end of that year, than we had at the end of the first.

So, this year, even though we knew we would be adding another student/grade level to our school day, it seemed like a 'no-brainer' to homeschool both kids this year.   We are both at peace with it, and I'm actually very excited about this year! 

All that being said, I still need to get my lesson book in order for the first month!  The 'old' Elizabeth would have been losing her mind about that!  But, Praise the Lord, He has given me peace--so much peace--I am feeling great!  I have all our curriculum ready and organized, but don't have a day to day plan yet--and honestly don't know if I'm going to do that.  I think I'm just going to plan out how often each week we'll do each subject, and just let it happen as the kids retain what we're learning.... after all, that really is what homeschool is supposed to be like anyway, right?! :) 

So, here's to a new year.  A year of PEACE, JOY, LOVE, and FUN at our Dahlstrom School!!!

*p.s....that is why i started, yet another, homeschool blog...i NEEDED a fresh start...completely...yes, it's annoying, i know... sorry! :)