Our updated family :)

Our updated family :)
Pic by Jordan K Photography

Thursday, August 29, 2013

2013/2014 School Year! Wow!

Oh my!!  It has been almost 1 1/2 years since I posted!! HA!  Well... that will tell you how crazy this past year has been!!  I didn't even post one blog entry for the 2012/2013 school year... and here we are going into 2013/2014 school year!!! what?!! Anyway... there are SO many things to say about this past year... but that is going to have to wait until another day! 

Here's a quick note about our family... we now have 2 more kiddos!! Gage & Harmony moved in with us August 2012 and we adopted them in April 2013...

then we moved to the U.P. in May for David's new job!  We lived with my amazing brother & sister in law until we found a house in Negaunee - in July ... phew, what a year...

So, here we are getting ready for the new school year!  I cannot believe that I have a 4th grader this year!!! This year will be our 5th year of homeschooling!!  I still feel like a beginner at this!!

For those family member and others that are curious as to what the children will be taught this year, I am posting our curriculum for this school year :) 

For the princess: Harmony is 3 and will be in pre-preschool :)

We will be doing a lot of playing, singing, dancing, language, and motor skill work.  For 'curriculum' we will be doing a 'letter of the week' - going through the whole alphabet - using zoo phonics http://www.zoo-phonicsathome.com/ and we will be incorporating many activities to go with that letter theme... many of them will be found at this site http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.net/

For the silly one: Gage is 4 and will be in Preschool at Lakeview Elementary in Negaunee

He has some pretty significant delays in language and cognitive development... He will be going to a great special education preschool program Monday-Thursday mornings.  On Fridays he will join Harmony in her activities, as well as some hand writing practice with this great workbook http://shopping.hwtears.com/product/MFSB/prek

For the imaginative one: Aden is 7 and will be in 2nd grade! 

Math: Math-U-See http://www.mathusee.com/

Phonics/Reading/English: http://www.milestonebooks.com/list/Rod_and_Staff_Grade_2/#1-112--

Science: Apologia Anatomy and Physiology  http://shop.apologia.com/66-anatomy-and-physiology with the junior notebook :) - 3 days/week
              On Tue/Thur we will do science experiments and unit studies... one that is planned already is a unit study on inventions/inventors - focus on Edison

History: Abeka "Our America" http://www.abeka.com/ABekaOnline/BookDescription.aspx?sbn=95818

Spelling: Spelling Power http://www.spellingpower.com/

Specials will be Art, Computers, Spanish http://www.amazon.com/Spanish-Kids-Learn-Beginner-Level/dp/B000A3WH9Y/ref=pd_cp_mov_0 , Woodworking/other projects, and Social Studies (reading books about different people & events - sometimes projects too- maybe some unit studies)

Bible: I am still on the lookout for a family study I like... but for now, we will simply be taking a book of the Bible and reading through it as a family - picking verses out to memorize together - and doing devotions about the reading

For the smarty-pants: Kendyl is 9 and in 4th grade!

Math: we are trying something new this year (fingers crossed!): Teaching Textbooks Level 5 - a computer based program - http://www.christianbook.com/teaching-textbooks-math-5-kit/9780979726552/pd/9950027?kw=teaching%20textbooks%205&mt=b&dv=c&event=PPCSRC&p=1018818&gclid=CLjTh-zNo7kCFcOe4Aod9QMADw
Language Arts: Alpha Omega Lifepacs grade 4 http://www.christianbook.com/lifepac-language-arts-grade-4-complete/9780867170566/pd/72150 ... we will also be doing some book reports on some classics (haven't made my final decision on which ones yet)
Science: (same as Aden - we do it together - only she'll have the regular notebook, not junior)
History:  Abeka History of Our United States (and separate Michigan study) http://www.abeka.com/ABekaOnline/BookDescription.aspx?sbn=108626
Spelling: Same as Aden, just a higher level :)
Specials: same as Aden - except she adds Typing (thanks Aunt Steph) and piano lessons
Bible: same (everyone in the family will do this together) :)
*We will have family storytime each day (either david or myself will read)... reading classic fairytales, poetry, classic books, etc... (i'll add the names at a later date - i'm still gathering them)
So... those are the basics of our school curriculum ... any questions, please ask :)